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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Michelle Smith 05/03/2017 None CrossFit Baseline For time:
500m row/400m run
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups
7m 22s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 02/06/2013 CrossFit ATP None METCON *** TEST *** (Members record)
800 m run
30 American swings (32/24)
30 Pull ups
43m 53s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 08/27/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD "Isaac"

20m 00s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 08/24/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 5 Rds of 3min. on/3 min. off
Sled Push 10 meters high bar/ 10 meters low bar(180/270)
Jump Slam Balls ME

*Competitors WOD: 40 sets of
Heavy KB swings 15/15
186 reps
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 08/22/2012 CrossFit ATP Angie For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
*must finish exercise before moving to next exercise

*Competitors WOD:
OHS 5x5
21m 52s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 08/10/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 4 RDS
Reverse Sled Pull 100 ft. (90/180)
400 meter
Competitor- skill work pullups etc.
12m 43s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 08/06/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 4 RDS
in 2 min.
200 meter sprint
BB Burpees 5 reps
Deadlift for reps (185/155)
*no rest btw rds
Competitor-skill work pullups / 2 rds max pullups with 1 min rest
24 reps
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 08/01/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 5 rds
400 meter
OHWalk 200 ft (95/135)
Plate Carry 200 ft (25/45)
31m 19s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 07/30/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 5 rds:
2 mins. of
200 meter sprint
Hang Power Snatch (55/75) for reps
1 min. rest after each set

56 reps
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 07/13/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 20 reps of, (65/95)
Push Jerk
Front Squat
*4 burpees every min. on the min
9m 37s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 06/25/2012 CrossFit ATP BMB WOD 2 WOD
50 Buy in Hang Power Cleans-F65/M95
OHS-10 reps
KB Farmers carry in the rack-F12kg/M16kg
9m 11s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 06/20/2012 CrossFit ATP Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95/65 pound Thruster
7m 05s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 06/18/2012 CrossFit ATP None Three rounds
100 dubs (mod 300 singles)
Reverse lunges- 10 reps (95/135)
Ring Dips-15 reps
19m 13s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 06/16/2012 CrossFit ATP Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
17 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 06/11/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD
"Jorge 44"
Air Squats
Pull ups
Body weight walking lunges
Push up release
440 meters
Hang Power cleans-95/65
Vsit ups
Spiderman pushups
KB swings-24/16
36m 47s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 06/09/2012 CrossFit ATP None 1 mile
400 meter suitcase carry (F16/M24) *switch hands 1/2 way
400 meter waiters carry (F16/M24) *switch hands 1/2 way
1 mile
17m 02s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 06/08/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 3 rounds of:
Box Jumps 20 reps (24/30)
OH Lunges 200 ft. (25/45)
Dubs 50
17m 10s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 06/06/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
KB Thrusters L/R (F12/M16)
Slam ball (F20/M30)
13m 10s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 06/02/2012 CrossFit ATP None Surprise WOD! 14m 50s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 05/23/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD:4 rounds of:
KB OHSwings 15 reps (F16/M24)
Pistols 15 reps (L/R)
100 meter sprint
13m 47s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 05/22/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength and WOD WOD: 3 rounds of
Med Ball Cleans 15 reps (F14/M20)
Ring Push-ups 15 reps
400 meters
11m 37s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 05/17/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill-Progression of a Power Clean
Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
*go up in weight each set
35-45-55-65-75-75-75 lbs
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 05/17/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD: 21-15-9
Power Clean (F75/M115)
Push-up Release
Box Jump
8m 09s
Performed as RX
Michelle Smith 05/12/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy 5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
14m 41s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Smith 05/11/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
12 minutes
buy in
100 dubs/300
Cleans-20 reps F75/M115
*Max pullups for score
12m 00s
Workout Scaled